In this labile world, nothing stays,
Emotions shift like sand in the breeze,
Change is the constant of our days.
From joy to sorrow, the heart sways,
Moods flutter like leaves on trees,
In this labile world, nothing stays.
Certainty crumbles, stability frays,
Life’s rhythm alters with subtle ease,
Change is the constant of our days.
What once was solid now decays,
Foundations tremble, securities freeze,
In this labile world, nothing stays.
Through fleeting moments, time betrays,
Our grasp on permanence it seizes,
Change is the constant of our days.
In flux we find our truest ways,
Embracing shifts that life decrees,
In this labile world, nothing stays,
Change is the constant of our days.
Source: 1
Bob Lynn / 12-Nov-2024